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Benefits of Outsourced Textile Quality Management

Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned buyer who works with products that are manufactured overseas, you’ve probably seen your fair share of products with quality defects. In the fashion industry, you know that your brand can’t afford these types of quality problems as you’ll risk losing valuable customers, or worse, damage your reputation.

Ethical Fashion: Who Is Responsible for CSR Compliance?

Positioning your brand as a fashion leader in the hearts and minds of consumers goes hand in hand with keeping your finger on the pulse of the latest textile corporate social responsibility requirements! You might wonder, who should actually be responsible for your brand’s CSR Compliance? And the simple answer is: You

5 Apparel Brands That Failed But Saved Their Reputations

In the fashion industry, specifically, when it comes to fast fashion, errors are almost inevitable. The speed at which garments are produced have drastically increased in order to meet consumer demands and unfortunately, quality control often takes a back seat during production. In this blog post, we’ll take a quick look at 5 apparel brands… Continue reading 5 Apparel Brands That Failed But Saved Their Reputations

How Even Large Clothing Brands Fail on Fabric Quality Control

You don’t have to be an expert to understand the importance of fabric quality control, but you’ll be surprised to hear that even some of the world’s leading fast-fashion brands have failed quality tests. Rather than falling into the same traps, use this opportunity to learn from these brands making sure you never find your… Continue reading How Even Large Clothing Brands Fail on Fabric Quality Control

How China is Becoming a Critical Sourcing Country

Today, we live in a fast-paced world where we have become accustomed to getting what we want, when we want it. Hungry? Quickly drive to the nearest fast food outlet and your food will be prepared within 7 minutes without you even having to get out of your car.

How Poor QMS Damages Your Brand and What To Do About It

In the apparel industry, your brand image is extremely important. Today’s consumer is very impressionable so in order for individuals to meet society’s standards, they’ll associate themselves with a brand.

The Top Five Clothing CSR Concerns for Consumers

Gone are the days where large organizations can get away with the manufacturing and production of products without their ecological footprint, labor working conditions and the general ethicacy of the fashion brand being watched.

Why Brands Are Investing in the Macedonian Textile Industry

Located in the Balkan peninsula in Southeast Europe, the Macedonian textile industry plays a vital role in the country’s manufacturing sector, contributing majorly to the economy and social well-being through employment in numerous regions of Macedonia.

The Value of Specialized Textile Quality Management Solutions

As a brand owner, you want your brand to be the best. You want to produce products of top-notch quality which appeal to your target market all the while making sure costs don’t skyrocket past your set budgets. So, how do you go about achieving this?

Top 4 Apparel Industry Challenges Brands Experience Today

The apparel industry is one of the most globally integrated industries in the world, but because of its fickle nature, brand owners can find it difficult to thrive against fierce industry competition. Due to globalization, there are many apparel industry challenges that brands experience which has forced them to adapt significantly over the past decade. How can… Continue reading Top 4 Apparel Industry Challenges Brands Experience Today